Monday, December 22, 2008

A Pretty Good Day...

Today I was finishing up my Christmas shopping in Lovell, because now a days Lovell has a wide variety to chose from. I had just stopped at Lovell Drug to pick up some stuff, and then I wanted to go to the Hen House to find a present for my mom. There wasn't a parking space close to the Hen House so I had to park up by the Box Office, and I saw the store "This is That Place" (or something along those lines) and I decided I would look around in there because it looked crafty and I had never been in there before. So I was walking around and Peggy Rohrer asked me how I was doing and then said did I ever give your gift certificate to your mom to give to you. I said no, and asked if I was even deserving a gift certificate. She said I wanted to give you one for you wedding and forgot all about it, so look around and find something worth about 50 dollars. I about fell over, because that is quite a lot of money; she insisted so I did, and this was my findings...
Lauren doesn't really have a room, but in the back room with the laundry is were her dresser is. So that is were I plan to put this! It is hard to tell in the picture but were the flowers and butterfly's are is like a coat hanger.
Next I found..
This cute heart, I though we could put it in our kitchen and maybe put the mail in! Our kitchen is painted red on the bottom half, so I think it will match perfectly!
I thought that was so kind of Peggy, and I am sure happy I went in there! I didn't even realize that it was a crafty store. This just shows how thoughtful and caring our communtity really is. Now I just hope I can be that giving for someone else.
After that I did go the The Hen House and found the PERFECT gift for my mom, which I am really excited about and I wish she would just except it now! She likes the surprise so she is making me wait until Christmas for her to open it.
I am also excited because Erik has NO idea what I am getting him. In years past he has been able to guess all of his presents ( He probably peeks, but I just think he reads minds!) Maybe Erik thinks he knows what he is getting this year, but I am pretty sure I will surprise him!
So I hope I can make someone feel as special as Peggy has made me feel today!
Now for Lauren's world...
She is starting to sit up on her own, and this is how it all began!
The laundy basket! And the bib she is wearing is for the drool, because she is an amazing drooler. If there were a contest to see who could drool the most I think she would win!
Lauren likes her laundry basket time, and is even sitting up good without the laundry basket! When she is sitting up on her own sometimes she will start to fall back, and she is getting better but she doesn't always catch herself she just leans back harder, and really hits the pillow!

Her next new favorite thing is buzzing her lips, or somepeople call it blowing raspberries (I think!) But she really fills her cheeks up with air and gives it all she has! It is so fun to watch her discover and learn new things! Not a day goes by when she doesn't make me smile! (Maybe a night, but not a day!! Just kidding)

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008


I hope Madison and Michael don't mind me telling everyone, but I am just so EXCITED for them! Yesterday night around 10pm Madison delivered a BEATIFUL baby girl, Halie Grandalen :) She weighed in at a very healthy 9lbs. and some and a woping 22 inches long! I will let her fill in the rest when she feels up to posting! I could hardly stand it this morning I wanted to go see her at 7am, but I kept myself busy until 10 and then I rushed up to Powell to see the new addition! In my opinion she looks like her daddy! They are very proud parents and are doing a great job!
Maddy is a champ and is getting around great! I was proud of her, because I just stayed in the bed most of the time, but she is up and moving and looks fantastic!
Congrats Michael and Maddy, Halie is beautiful :) Enjoy every minute because it goes by so fast. (I never really believed it when people said it, but Lauren is almost 6 months and I can't believe it!)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Dear Grandma

I don't know if there are any words that can explain how great of a wife, mother, grandmother, greatgrandmother, or friend my Grandma Delsa Asay was. She was the sweetest person I have ever met, and as her nurses said at the Lovell Hospital "even if the devil himself walked in, she would find something good to say about him."
Grandma Asay was sent home to be with her Hevenly Father Sunday December 7. For the past week she has been getting weaker and weaker and was in a lot of pain. She fainted Friday afternoon, and was put in the hospital. They had thought she had a stroke but she only fainted because her heart was pumping 170 beats per min. and couldnt' get enough oxgyn. Friday when we went to see her my mom asked her if she wanted to get up and move around, being the sweet person she said "Isn't it just to bad, I am so weak and it is so hard for me." Saturday my sister and I went to see my Grandma again and that is when we noticed that she was becoming confused. She would start to tell us a story and would repeat it a couple of times and then she would change the subject. I am glad we went to see her because the next day she just got worse and worse. Sunday is when they found she had amonnia. When I went to the hospital Sunday at about 5 she was not able to communicate. She was still trying to talk but she couldn't tell us what she wanted. They gave her medicine to ease the pain because she was so tense and as a family we waited with her while she went. They gave her a blessing to let her got, and they gave my grandpa a blessing to help him as he deals with the loss of his sweetheart. I am so thankful for my loving family, we were able to laugh and cry and remember all of the good times we had with Grandma.
The sweetest thing I have ever heard was that night as we sat with my grandma, my grandpa said "She was the only girl I ever had."

When my grandma and grandpa first met, they had some interesting encounters! They were at a dance one time, dancing of course! My grandpa told my grandma Ms. Harris you dance a lot like me, and I am not a very good dancer!
That is my grandpa's humor for you, but my grandma can sure keep up with him!
When they were over sea's (where at I am not sure) but this little boy loved my grandma and one time at church my grandma and her family walked in late and this little boy in a loud whisper said "Hey Delsa got any gum?" My grandma always carried gum and of course in embaressment she gave him a peice! Then when they were outside the church this same little boy was talking to my grandma. They had a really fancy car called and LTD and this little boy was amazed with it, when he saw LTD he asked what it meant and with no hesitation my grandma said "Lets Take Delsa!"
She was an amazing women and she will be deeply missed.
I love you Grandma!
Her funeral will be Saturday December 13, 2008 at 12.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Carrie Underwood!

This Thursday my sister called me and told me that they had an extra Carrie Underwook ticket for this weekend, and asked me if I wanted to go. Of course I said YES because I have never been to a country concert, and my sister and cousins are always a good time so I knew it would be fun! We ended up riding to Billings with Brittney, Brandee, and Mallory (I am just going to go out on a limb and call them all) Bassett, and then my cousins Mandie, Maggie and Amanda met us in Billings and took us to the concert. Before the concert we did a little shopping and went to eat at Jonny Corino's.
Here is Lila with her fancy water bottle she bought at World Market. You can't see her hair because of her awsome jacket (that I might steel) but she cut her hair super short and in the back it has a bunch of layers. I think the shortest layer is like an inch long, and it is SO cute! She lives with Mallory Bassett who cuts hair for a living, so she kind of has it made!
This is the gang at Jonny Corino's. It was my first time there, it is an italian restraunt.
Amanda, Maggie, and Mandie on the left and Lacey and Lila on the right!

I also had a little surprise when I got the the concert, my old roommate Rayann was there waiting for us! It was so fun because we havn't seen each other in a while and it was fun to catch up with her! She had gone up to Billings earlier that day to watch her friend from high school Nikki Mills play basketball so that is why she met us there.
Here we are all EXCITED to see Carrie Underwood!!

Befor the show waiting for Carrie or as Amanda would call her C-Dawg!

When we got the the Metra we saw a lot of people that we knew, including my sister-in-law Aimee. Lila and I didn't even know she was going and they were just a few rows down from us!
To our surprise the opening act was Little Big Town. They were amazing, and I was surprized how many of their songs I knew, and how many of their songs I LOVED!
Then it was time for CARRIE UNDERWOOD! She was amazing, and she put on a really good show! It was so sweet because she asked someone from the audience to come up and sing All American girl with her, and it was a 5 year old girl named Hailey. I would have loved to be that girl!!
We were probably the most obnoxious people in our section, so we didn't have any problems in that area! Maybe people had problems with us, but we had fun!
In other news.. Lauren has been sick with the croop the last 3 days. It started on Wednesday I noticed that she wasn't eating normal. She would eat only 2 oz when she usually would eat 4 or sometimes 6 oz. Then that night she woke up about 12 and was really raspy, I didn't know what to do so I went in the bathroom and turned on the hot shower and we hung out in there for a little while. She feel back asleep and woke up about 3 with a fever of 101. I gave her some tylonol for the fever and we stripped her down to her diaper. Then Thursday her voice was still raspy but she acted like she was feeling better until the night came. I have learned thats when the sick monster comes alive! So we made it through the night ok, but I knew she needed to go to the Doc. I had to sub that morning so I couldn't get her into the Doc as fast as I wanted to but we got her in at 4. The nurse did her thing and then she said she would go get the Doc. While we were waiting Lauren feel asleep on my chest. So when the doc. came in he said she could just stay right there, and he would listen to her breath. he said her really couldn't hear anything. I was feeling a little discouraged because I knew something was wrong with her, and then Lauren woke up and started crying. It wasn't much of a cry because she didn't have any voice to cry with. I could then see how concerned the doctor was and he said we needed to get her some medicine right away. They gave her a breathing treatment in the hospital and then Lauren got her first sugar free chocolate ice cream with mashed up pills in it! She is also on some sort of medicine for 7 days ( I am horible with medicine names). She is acting like she feels a lot better, thank goodness for medicine.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fun with Lauren

I just recently noticed that it has been 3 weeks since I last posted.. So I thought I should probably get posting! Nothing to exciting has happend lately, Erik and I have been able to enjoy a few dates for the first time in a LONG time! We went to Billings for my dad to get some parts, and then we went on a date with JT and Nicole! It was really fun to do something together for a change!

In other news (like Lauren)... Lauren got her 4 month shots yesterday. FOUR months, I can't believe she is four months, she is really 4 1/2 months. Of course she cried, but it didn't take much to calm her down! I was proud of my little girl! So after the four shots she got I decided she needed a treat! Last week at dance Jill Marchant was telling me were she bought bows for her Lauryn's hair, and said they were really cheap at the Hen House. So I thought I would go see what it was all about and see if I could find something for my Lauren! Well if you havn't been the the Hen House, I would suggest you go! It is a really cute store and I did find some cute headbands with bows for Lauren!
I know this flower is about the size of her head, but I just couldn't help but get it!! I think it is absolutly adorable! Erik thought it was a little much, but for special occasions I think it is perfect!

Her new favorite thing is to suck on her bottom lip. I don't really know why, but whatever keeps her happy :)

I was trying to be a photographer, but I am not as good as I want to be. It was fun playing around though!

This was the other bow I got her (2 came in the pack and it was only like 3 dollars!) It is really handy because all of her bows can clip on to a headband, so you only need one head band and any bow you want! Unless of course you want different colored headbands!

I am also excited because my sister-in-law Kimberly made some fancy bows for Lauren as well and they are sitting at Erik's mom's house right now so I need to go get those and doll my baby up! Thanks Kimberly :)

As you can see Lauren is starting to chub up a little! This picture makes her checks look super cubby because she is TOTALLY relaxed! She had a little fever after her shots so she wasn't feeling her best I don't think. But her fever went down this morning and she is back to her normal self.

This is were Lauren sits at Grandma Jolley's house! It is so sweet to see her and my mom cooking and doing the dishes! My mom just sings and talks to her while she does her normal routine, you can tell she has been in the Grandma business for a while!

Lauren is growing so fast! She has found a new pitch that only dogs can hear, and she is starting to giggle. She won't giggle much for me, but my dad and Erik can get her laughing pretty good!

I am debating whether or not to start Lauren on cereal yet. Some people say to wait until they are 6 months and some start at 3. So we will see how that turns out! I know it's not a big deal, but it is for Lauren :)

I have been asked to sub for the other 5th grade teacher at Cowley Friday through Wednesday afternoon, so I will get to work with my mom this coming week! I enjoy subbing, but Lauren doesn't always enjoy the babysitter which makes it harder for me to sub. I don't know if it is the different environment that she doesn't like or if she misses me, but my babysitter says that she is fussy most of the time. So we will see how she does!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Lauren is on a Roll!

Last Saturday I was getting Lauren ready for bed, and I had read about baby massage so I was giving it a try. I rolled her over on her stomach so I could massage her back and usually she isn't one to want to lay on her stomach, she usaully cry's the second I put her on her belly! This time she thought it was pretty cool being on her stomach (maybe because I was giving her a massage!) but she laid there nicely and didn't cry I just propped her up on her arms so her face wouldn't plop into the bed. After I was done rubbing her back she all of the sudden started to roll to the right!! I didn't think she was going to roll but after her head started the proccess her hips just followed! I was so excited, and I put her right back on her stomach and she did it again! So I called Erik and told him to bring me the camera, but he didn't understand why it was so cool that she was rolling over. So once agian I put her on her stomach and she rolled again; but this time to the left! So I do have it on camera, but I can't figure out how to put it on here yet. Then she got sick of it so we stopped for the night. Then Sunday morning I was back at it agian, I put her on her stomach and she rolled :) Her head plays a large part in the rolling over process, because once the head hits the floor everything kindof follows! Lauren hasn't rolled over much since then so maybe I over did it for her, but still... SHE CAN ROLL! When I showed Erik's little brother Steven that she could roll over he was like so! HAHA boys just don't understand what a big milestone it is!!
Here are some pictures of my happy girl on her belly!
Tuesday night my sister-in-law Aimee asked me if I would take Kynlee and Kaya to the Spooky Story Night at Cowley Elementary because she had a Silpada Jewlery Party. So I said of course I would take them! All of the kids were supposed to wear the pajama's, so Lauren wore her pj's too! It was really fun taking the girls, there were a bunch of different stations and you stayed at the station for 15 minutes.
I can't wait for Lauren to be in school so I can take her to all the fun family night activties, because the kids love it and you get to interact with adults as well!
These are pictues before we went to the school. Kaya is feeding Lauren and Kynlee is posing beside her!

The girls are doing tummy time with Lauren!
Last but not least.. Tuesday night Erik called me and said find someone to watch Lauren in the morning and we will go hunting. I asked what time we would leave and he said around 6. So I am racking my brain of people I could call and ask if they would want to even wake up at 6 to watch Lauren! Of course Shannon said she would love to (because she is the best cousin EVER) and I got everything ready to go hunting. I didn't have a clue where we were going, and Erik told me we wouldn't be walking much and we wouldn't get cold. So I got two layers of clothing for my legs and 3 for the top.
Wednesday I woke up and got myself ready and got Lauren ready to go to Shannon's (by getting ready I mean put her in her car seat!) Steven came over and we were out the door. We dropped Lauren off and we were headed to the Mountains. So when we got to the foot of the mountians it was still dark but we could see that it snowed. When we got farther up the mountains we could see that it snowed A LOT! But the dedicated hunters we are, we kept plowing through! We were half way up the mountain and saw a truck stuck on the side of the road. We stopped, but couldn't help him because Erik didn't have a rope. The guy had been sitting there since 10 pm the night before, and the snow plows that had gone by that morning didn't have ropes either. But they man was very positive about the situation and wished us luck as we left. As our journey continued we had no luck of seeing any bucks, we saw a lot of doe's. So Erik thought he saw some big bucks up on this hill and so we started up the hill. Now from the truck it didn't look like a very long hike, but when you start walking through the tree's and Erik keeps saying when we get out of the tree's the buck's will be right there. Yeah we walked, and walked, and walked in knee high snow and when we got out of the tree's the bucks were not there!! But it was still fun, I was completely out of shape, the boys kept stopping and asking me if I was ok, and after I caught my breath I would say yes, and we would move on!
We didn't come home with our record book pig, but we did have a good time!
When we got home and went to get Lauren this is what we found!!
Shannon takes such good care of my baby, and dolls her up every time she watches her! I LOVE IT! Shannon has had a little more practice with fine baby hair so she was brave enough to do the pig tails! Lauren got a manicure AND a pedicure as well while she was at Shannon's!

Friday, October 17, 2008

A little bit of this, and a little bit of that!

Once agian there is nothing to exciting that has happened lately but I wanted to post something so I will just make something up!
Erik still hasn't shot the prince of the forest so he is hunting, sleeping, eating, working and hunting! He is now scoping out a place for me to hunt since rifle season has opened up in lovell! So he is pretty busy!
As for me I am doing a little subing here and there. I have mostly been in the preschool at Cowley which is really fun, and not to hard! The kids are so funny, they were calling me Mrs. Basket so we decided Mrs. Lacey would work better!
Lauren is becoming more interacitve with us and it is so fun to play with her now! She really knows how to use her voice, and it is so sweet when I am driving she just talks and talks and talks!
Here are some pictures of my little Lauren..
This is her first ever pony tail! It is kind of hard to see, but I think you get the point! Her hair isn't to long so the pony tail sits high on her head, so she looks more like a unicorn (but a very cute unicorn!)

I just thought she looked so sweet, she feel asleep while she was eating! If you notice her finger nails, they are painted!! Shannon watched her one afternoon for me while I subbed for the preschool and she painted Laurens finger nails!!
This one is just a close up :)
Here is Lauren playing with Erik! She is ticklish and she is trying to laugh, but she can't get it out yet!
Her new love is her fist! She can't harldy keep it out of her mouth !

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Well Tags are sure Popular... so here is mine!

Thanks to Shannon her is my tag!
8 TV shows I like to watch:
1. Private Practice
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Everybody loves Raymond
4. Friends
5. Live with Regis and Kelly
6. A Baby Story

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1.Olive Garden
2. Switchback Grill
3.Mongolian Grill
4.Texas Road House
5. Subway
6. Pizza on the Run
7. Hansels and Grettles
8. Stanfords (Kara Beth if you are reading this remember thanford thirloin!!)

8 Things that happened yesterday:
1. Woke Up
2. Feed Lauren
3. Took a Shower
4. Went to Powell
5. Went Shopping for groceries
6. Ate lunch at McDonalds
7. Did Homework
8. Watched season premeir of private practice!

8 Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Watching Lauren grow!
2. Getting a house!!
3. Getting my degree to be a teacher
4. Having more children
5. Going shopping!
6. Getting my hair done
7. Christmas
8. My birthday (haha i couldn't think of anything else!!)

8 people I tag
if you are reading this I tag you!! haha I don't know, it seams like everyone has had some sort of tag or another. So if you feel like doing it go right ahead!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So.. It's been a while!

I haven't posted anything in a while so I thought I would just do a little catch up.. with no pictures (I appolgise.. it's my favorite part too!)
It has been pretty quiet at the Bassett house, nothing too exciting has happened. Erik is working, and hunting every chance he can get! So no luck with the RECORD book pig (only a few of you might know what a pig REALLY is.. in Erik's world a pig is a HUGE deer! Don't ask me why pig means the coolest, biggest buck you have ever seen, but it does!!)
I recently got my substite certificate, and had my first subbing experience today in the Preschool at Cowley! I was real nervous but there was an aid that SAVED me, Susan Peck and she did most of the work.. so all in all it was a good first day, and a good way to start me off. Now I am just worried about having to do it all on my own in the older classes! It was really fun working with the Preschoolers they are such sweet kids, and they mostly get to play, so who wouldn't have fun? In a couple weeks they already have me set up to teach P.E. ha!! That should be interesting:) Maybe it will inspire me to follow in Ms. Hubbles footsteps (just a joke for Lovell High) But.. I am really excited to start subbing, and getting out of the house a few days a week or so, the only NOT so fun part is leaving my baby Lauren.. She got to stay with her dad today, and he said she managed to handle the day without me!! haha I don't know how that could be possible because I had a hard time handling my day without her, but we will figure it out!
I am also excited and nervous because I found a stay at home mom to watch Lauren while I sub, and I met her and spent about an hour at her house, and she seems GREAT so I hope it will all work out! I have just heard horror stories about people trying to find/and stick with a baby sitter.. so I hope I can skip the bad part. But she has two little girls, and Lauren loves little kids, she loves to just watch them play, so hopefully it will work out!
Lauren is getting so big so fast! She is probably about 12 pounds now, and is super long! We think she has acid reflux, and we just recently put her on some medicine to see if that will stop the fussyness while she eats! She is a pretty happy baby most of the time, so we will see if this medicine will help so she can be a happy baby all of the time!! I know ALL of the time isn't possible, but I can wish!! It is so fun to see her smile, she is slowly but surely making me a morning person because when she wakes up in the morning she gives me a HUGE smile, and even though I dont' want to be up, it's makes me happy to get up for her!
Erik and I have been living without a dryer for about 3 months, and yes it SUCKED.. But we finally got one, and I am SOO excited :) If any of you have lived w/out a washer or dryer you know what I mean. So I am pretty excited to be able to do my laundry at home:)
So now this post is getting alittle long, and it doesn't even have any pictures.. so I am going to stop! Have a good day :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

One Year Down

This post is a little late, but better late than never! Last Monday September 8th Erik and I celebrated our FIRST ANNIVERSARY! I still can't believe that we have been married for one whole year(and one week today)! We didn't do anything particularly special because Erik had to go to work Monday night from 7pm to 7am. So we stayed home and ate the top of our year old wedding cake. It had been frozen of course so we didn't have to pick through the mold.. haha just kidding! But the cake was delicious(thanks to Vicky Croft), and we are still working on eating it all because you can't let a good thing go to waist!

Now let me take you back to September 8th 2007 the day of our wedding. The bridesmaids and I are getting our hair done (thanks to Lindi and Jamie who did a WONDERFUL job) and putting on makeup and making sure everything was perfect like all girls do. Rayann and Maddy drive me to the church, and I get bridal pictures done while everyone else is still decorating.

Now you might be wondering where this is going so let me tell you what Erik is doing....

HE IS HUNTING ON OUR WEDDING DAY!! yes he is, and he shot his antelope on our wedding day as well, AND he was almost late for our wedding because he was gutting his deer and all that jazz! It makes a good story, and nothing is better than good memories!

I am horrible at taking pictures and I don't have any of us on our anniversary but her are the latest and greatest pictures of the family!

You may be wondering what this next picture is all about.. I know it might be hard to tell but Erik and Lauren are wearing camo. So it may be tough to see, but if you look really hard you might see two heads!!

Some people say Lauren looks more and more like her dad.. what do you think?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Lunch with Grandma Asay

This last Saturday my Grandma Asay wanted to have lunch with all of her granddaughters (in the area). She wanted to tell us about all of her jewlery that she has had for all these years that we played with when we were younger. She also gave each of us one of her rings. It was so fun to get together with her and just talk, because my sister and I practically lived over there when we were younger because she was always right across the street, and ALWAYS had pepsi, oreo's and string cheese on hand! We all know when mom says no go to Grandma (and that is just what we did). Even though it was so fun being with my Grandma it was sad all at the same time. She has not been feeling very well, and the doctors have told her that they cannot do anything for her but make her feel comfortable. Her heart isn't as strong as it once was and it is slowly giving out. So at lunch she gave us each a ring and said that we could have any picture in the house we wanted. If anyone knows my grandma you will know that she has been practically EVERYWHERE in the world, I am not kidding, and she has the souveniers to prove it! She has lived an amazing life and has touched lots of peoples hearts. Some people have told me I look like my Grandma Asay... maybe I will turn out like her too!!
This is my Grandma and cousin Mandie getting some of the food ready!

The drinks may look questionable, but it is quarana.. some sort of drink they used to have in tialand or something!

there is a story behind this but I am not sure what it is, but when my family gets together we all do a toast(haha is that the right spelling) and we say ching ching because that is the sound the glasses make when they hit!! Just a weird asay family tradition! Grandma Asay made fried rice for our lunch together :) This is Azelyn (she is not a granddaughter, but she should be one!) playing the piano after we stuffed ourselves full!

Setting up the jewlery

Got to love cream puffs!!
This is a corn cob pipe that Hannah took a liking to!
Here is my beautiful Grandma Asay showing off her jewlery!
Amanda with Lauren, she can never stay awake for the good stuff!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fast Asleep...

As I have been looking through all my pictures of Lauren I noticed that most of them are of her sleeping(because that is what she does most of the day). But some of them are pretty cute (well i am her mom so ALL of them are cute!), just because of the wierd positions she can end up in!

So this post really doesn't have a point, I just want to show off my little girl! And I give myself permission to do that once in a while!!

Here we are trying to wake her up at the hospital! We could bug her for an hour and she would still just be limp as a noodle and not move or wake up for anybody.

If you can believe it we were trying to feed her!! She hadn't woke up to eat that whole day in the hospital so we put some milk in this little cup thing with a lip on it. The nurse said that the babies usually drink it right up, but she did not cooperate there was nothing we could do to wake her up!!

Didn't even wake up to see cousin Triffin and Grandpa

Oh how tough life really is!
We had her cousin Triffin laying beside her and I guess she didn't want any of that!!

It was also cute because her hand was on her pacifier and when she would suck her pacifier her hand would move up and down with it!!
I have to says thanks to Shannon for the blanket! I love all the bright colors (and i get a lot of comments on it too!) Way to go Shan!
She loves her Uncle Spencer!

I was talking to my sister-in-law Aimee and she was saying that of all people she thought she would have to fight with to hold Lauren, Spencer was not one of them!! He try's to act tough but he is a softy!!
It is so fun because Lauren is starting to smile more!! I haven't captured it on film yet but when i do i will be sure to post it!! Today i was doing my makeup and she was in her glider, and i put my mirror in front of her face, and it was the cutest thing because she started smiling and then moving her mouth around! She thought that was pretty cool though:) She is a morning girl, that is when she is the happiest and i can get the most smiles out of her! I think the poor girl has collic because she cry's more at night, but it's nothing i can't handle!!
Like I said this post has not point, but i hope you enjoyed the pictures :)