Sunday, November 23, 2008

Carrie Underwood!

This Thursday my sister called me and told me that they had an extra Carrie Underwook ticket for this weekend, and asked me if I wanted to go. Of course I said YES because I have never been to a country concert, and my sister and cousins are always a good time so I knew it would be fun! We ended up riding to Billings with Brittney, Brandee, and Mallory (I am just going to go out on a limb and call them all) Bassett, and then my cousins Mandie, Maggie and Amanda met us in Billings and took us to the concert. Before the concert we did a little shopping and went to eat at Jonny Corino's.
Here is Lila with her fancy water bottle she bought at World Market. You can't see her hair because of her awsome jacket (that I might steel) but she cut her hair super short and in the back it has a bunch of layers. I think the shortest layer is like an inch long, and it is SO cute! She lives with Mallory Bassett who cuts hair for a living, so she kind of has it made!
This is the gang at Jonny Corino's. It was my first time there, it is an italian restraunt.
Amanda, Maggie, and Mandie on the left and Lacey and Lila on the right!

I also had a little surprise when I got the the concert, my old roommate Rayann was there waiting for us! It was so fun because we havn't seen each other in a while and it was fun to catch up with her! She had gone up to Billings earlier that day to watch her friend from high school Nikki Mills play basketball so that is why she met us there.
Here we are all EXCITED to see Carrie Underwood!!

Befor the show waiting for Carrie or as Amanda would call her C-Dawg!

When we got the the Metra we saw a lot of people that we knew, including my sister-in-law Aimee. Lila and I didn't even know she was going and they were just a few rows down from us!
To our surprise the opening act was Little Big Town. They were amazing, and I was surprized how many of their songs I knew, and how many of their songs I LOVED!
Then it was time for CARRIE UNDERWOOD! She was amazing, and she put on a really good show! It was so sweet because she asked someone from the audience to come up and sing All American girl with her, and it was a 5 year old girl named Hailey. I would have loved to be that girl!!
We were probably the most obnoxious people in our section, so we didn't have any problems in that area! Maybe people had problems with us, but we had fun!
In other news.. Lauren has been sick with the croop the last 3 days. It started on Wednesday I noticed that she wasn't eating normal. She would eat only 2 oz when she usually would eat 4 or sometimes 6 oz. Then that night she woke up about 12 and was really raspy, I didn't know what to do so I went in the bathroom and turned on the hot shower and we hung out in there for a little while. She feel back asleep and woke up about 3 with a fever of 101. I gave her some tylonol for the fever and we stripped her down to her diaper. Then Thursday her voice was still raspy but she acted like she was feeling better until the night came. I have learned thats when the sick monster comes alive! So we made it through the night ok, but I knew she needed to go to the Doc. I had to sub that morning so I couldn't get her into the Doc as fast as I wanted to but we got her in at 4. The nurse did her thing and then she said she would go get the Doc. While we were waiting Lauren feel asleep on my chest. So when the doc. came in he said she could just stay right there, and he would listen to her breath. he said her really couldn't hear anything. I was feeling a little discouraged because I knew something was wrong with her, and then Lauren woke up and started crying. It wasn't much of a cry because she didn't have any voice to cry with. I could then see how concerned the doctor was and he said we needed to get her some medicine right away. They gave her a breathing treatment in the hospital and then Lauren got her first sugar free chocolate ice cream with mashed up pills in it! She is also on some sort of medicine for 7 days ( I am horible with medicine names). She is acting like she feels a lot better, thank goodness for medicine.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fun with Lauren

I just recently noticed that it has been 3 weeks since I last posted.. So I thought I should probably get posting! Nothing to exciting has happend lately, Erik and I have been able to enjoy a few dates for the first time in a LONG time! We went to Billings for my dad to get some parts, and then we went on a date with JT and Nicole! It was really fun to do something together for a change!

In other news (like Lauren)... Lauren got her 4 month shots yesterday. FOUR months, I can't believe she is four months, she is really 4 1/2 months. Of course she cried, but it didn't take much to calm her down! I was proud of my little girl! So after the four shots she got I decided she needed a treat! Last week at dance Jill Marchant was telling me were she bought bows for her Lauryn's hair, and said they were really cheap at the Hen House. So I thought I would go see what it was all about and see if I could find something for my Lauren! Well if you havn't been the the Hen House, I would suggest you go! It is a really cute store and I did find some cute headbands with bows for Lauren!
I know this flower is about the size of her head, but I just couldn't help but get it!! I think it is absolutly adorable! Erik thought it was a little much, but for special occasions I think it is perfect!

Her new favorite thing is to suck on her bottom lip. I don't really know why, but whatever keeps her happy :)

I was trying to be a photographer, but I am not as good as I want to be. It was fun playing around though!

This was the other bow I got her (2 came in the pack and it was only like 3 dollars!) It is really handy because all of her bows can clip on to a headband, so you only need one head band and any bow you want! Unless of course you want different colored headbands!

I am also excited because my sister-in-law Kimberly made some fancy bows for Lauren as well and they are sitting at Erik's mom's house right now so I need to go get those and doll my baby up! Thanks Kimberly :)

As you can see Lauren is starting to chub up a little! This picture makes her checks look super cubby because she is TOTALLY relaxed! She had a little fever after her shots so she wasn't feeling her best I don't think. But her fever went down this morning and she is back to her normal self.

This is were Lauren sits at Grandma Jolley's house! It is so sweet to see her and my mom cooking and doing the dishes! My mom just sings and talks to her while she does her normal routine, you can tell she has been in the Grandma business for a while!

Lauren is growing so fast! She has found a new pitch that only dogs can hear, and she is starting to giggle. She won't giggle much for me, but my dad and Erik can get her laughing pretty good!

I am debating whether or not to start Lauren on cereal yet. Some people say to wait until they are 6 months and some start at 3. So we will see how that turns out! I know it's not a big deal, but it is for Lauren :)

I have been asked to sub for the other 5th grade teacher at Cowley Friday through Wednesday afternoon, so I will get to work with my mom this coming week! I enjoy subbing, but Lauren doesn't always enjoy the babysitter which makes it harder for me to sub. I don't know if it is the different environment that she doesn't like or if she misses me, but my babysitter says that she is fussy most of the time. So we will see how she does!