Friday, January 23, 2009

Baby Tag

This is my only picture that I have while I was pregnant. This was taken on my birthday May 18 and I still had about 6 weeks to go. So my face got fatter, my hands got fatter my legs and feet DEFINITELY got fatter.. so you can just imagine how cute I looked! All for a good cause though :)
Here we are putting together my birthday present.. a bassinet for Lauren!! I was warned that I will never get a present just for me agian.. they will all be for my children! Thats ok with me :)
Our little miricle has arrived!

What a miracle she is :) Haha I just had to add this picture because it is so funny! Hope you like it, she is thinking.. "Why did I get stuck with these guys, a bunch of goof balls is all they are!"

1- Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant? At our house

2- Who was with you? Erik

3- How did you find out that you were pregnant? Took a test, and Erik made me pee on it and leave because he wanted to be the first to know!

4- What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? Yah! We had planned it so, we were kind of expecting it.. but definitely fun to know FOR SURE!

5- Your Husbands reaction? He was so excited :) He was excited before we found out, because I had stopped taking birth control and everyday he would ask me, did you take your birth control.. and I would say no and he woud just get a big smile on his face! (what a nerd I know!)

6- Who was the first person you told? technically Erik told me, but he says he told his dad first, but I thought he told Kimberly first.. so who knows!

7-Did you plan to get pregnant? Yes

8-Was everybody happy for you? Well I think so :)

9- Did you go out and celebrate? I don't think we did.

10- Did you want to find out the sex? YES I could have died to find out the sex of Lauren, but Erik wanted it to be a surprize. I even asked if my Uncle who did the ultra sound could tell my mom and then my mom could get us a little prepared.. but NO! Although it was a little fun I have to admit! When I had her and the doc put her on my stomach I said what is it and the doc and nurses were like oh, I don't know and then the lifted her up and said a girl!

11- What was the sex? Sweet baby girl :)

12-Did anyone throw you a baby shower? Yes

13- If yes, who? Aimee, Kandace, and Lila

14- Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you weren't going to put on your baby?Yes, but it is the thought that counts :)

15- How much weight did you gain? like 35 or 40 (I know, I know!)

16- Did you loose all of the weight that you gained? Yes! I was worried I wouldn't but I think breastfeeding had a lot to do with it!

17- Did you get a lot of stretch marks? No, thankfully! I got a few AFTER Lauren was born, which was weird and they were all in one spot, but you can't even see them today!!

18- What did you crave the most? When I was first pregnant, it was orange juice I could have drank a whole gallon in a day if I wanted to. Then as I got farther along I don't recall anything specific.

19- Did you crave anything craxy? Nope

20- Who or what got on your nerves the most? Hmm I don't know. I just know that I was super tired at the beggining of my pregnancy, and I probably got on Erik's nerves the most!

21- Were you married at the time?Yes

22- Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Well my blood type was A- and so I had to get a shot so it didn't complicate the next pregnancy. Then my last couple weeks I started to swell up like a balloon and my blood pressure was really high so they had to monitor me the WHOLE night while I was in labor.

23- Where were you when you went into labor? hospital, Dr. Ellis wanted to monitor me and he knew I would be having the baby in the next 24 hours so in the hospital bed is were I spent my time!

24- Did your water break?Nope

26- Did you go early or late? Dr. said my due date was June 30th and Ultra sound said my due date was July 5th so right in the middle I guess! I had her on July 2nd :)

27- Who was in the room with you when you gave birth? Erik, and the Dr. and nurses. They were wonderful, they made me feel like a champ!

28- Was it video taped? No, I can imagine how I looked when I was pushing... I didn't want to capture that on tape!

29- Did you have any drugs for the pain? YES!! I got the IV meds which didn't work at ALL.. when I got the IV meds I was expecting some relief and got NONE it was kind of dissapointing.. Then the nurse checked me and I was dialated to 8 and I wanted something strong! She said that the doc would be here in 30 min to give me medicine, and all I could think about was 30 min means 15 more contractions... when he got there I was at a 10 but told him I wanted something and they gave me a spinal tap and let me take a break for about an hour before I started to push!

30-Did you go vaginal or have a c-section?Vaginally

31- What was your first reaction after giving birth? It still wasn't very real to me, to be honest I was so tired and really wanted to sleep.

32- How big was the baby(s)? 7lb 14oz 21 inches long

33- Did your Husband cry? I am not sure.. I didn't even cry, it was so hard for me to believe

34- What did you name the baby(s)? Lauren Frances

35-Did the name have any significance to you? Lauren was just a name Erik really liked, and Frances is Erik's grandma's name!

36-Does the baby's name fit? Of course!

37- Did the baby(s) have any complications? Nope she was perfect! She did have a heart murmer, but it went away.

38- How old is your baby today? about 6 1/2 months!

39- When is the next one(s) coming? Erik would like it to be baking right now... but I am trying to hold him off for a little while longer!

40- If you could would you do it all over again? Oh yes! I love to be pregnant, and sometimes miss having her is my belly :)

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

So fun! Some of those things I didn't know. Although I know I was the first one Erik told. I remember because I was at my mom's house and screamed out "Lacey's pregnant?" and then I found out he hadn't even told my mom yet, so I had to pray that she hadn't heard me. (She hadn't, I was in a different room).