Erik had contacted Thomas Croft who works at Midway in Cody, and asked him to look out for an old pickup that he could fix up and ...... To his surprize they had a pickup at midway that fit that description a few weeks later! a sarcastic YAH for me :) Erik told me about it and so Lauren, Erik and I made the trip up to Cody to see if this was the truck Erik had been looking for. We got to Cody and Erik took it for a test drive and was in love, so he bought it. After he bought it I asked him why he wanted another truck because he has a little Ford Ranger that is his beater truck that he drives to work, and he has BIG BLUE Dodge AND he also has his old purple chevy cavolier and my car! So you could see why I would be puzzled!! Our drive way already looks like a used car sale lot! His answer was that he needed a project.. my answer A PROJECT? Our house is shuting down wall by wall, and things are falling apart.. but he needs a project! He can't stand to be in the house for to long, so that is why he needs an outside project! Haha our house isn't that bad, but Erik is more of an outside kind of guy so I guess I can KIND OF see where he is coming from! To make things a little better he did sell (or either gave) the Ford Ranger to his little brother Steven. But we are back where we started with 4 cars, however we are never without transportation (to look on the brightside).
So here is Erik's "project" it is quite the looker! To tell you the truth I havn't even seen the inside of this truck! Here it is the multi colored goodness..
He is really excited about the truck, and really enjoys working on it.. so I am happy if he is happy!
1 comment:
If it makes you feel any better, my husband just bought a very similar looking project. I think our husbands think a lot a like. I haven't dared to show him that you let your husband pick out your bathroom decorations. He would be all on top of me if he knew they had a hunting shower curtain.
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