Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fun with the Jolley Boys!

I am so glad that we live close to family so that my girls can get to know and play with their counsins! I have found memories of spending many summers playing with the Asay's in Powell and when the came to Grandma Asay's house across the street.

It is so fun to have Jake and Kandaces kids close by and to have our kids close in age!
Lauren and Triffin - with these two it is ether a good day for them to get along or a BAD day! But we love them anyway :)

Grandma and the two crazies!

There is a Benson in this picture somewhere! He was on the move, trying to get to the tractor! And what happens next is this little guy climbs into the tractor all by himself and starts drinking out of his dads mug of pop!

The kiddos enjoying watching everyone else work!

Sawyer chillin in the car.

After the excitement of getting the tractors going at Jacob's place, my mom and I brought the kids bad to her house.
Here is Benson and Sawyer playing in the dirt (it looks like are both pooping, but we will say they are playing in the dirt!!)
These two are just like Triffen and Lauren - torment each other!

Am I the worst aunt ever?! Ben was playing on this little swing and next thing I know he was stuck! I couldn't help but grab the camera (which wasn't very far away) and capture this moment!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Yarn Dolls

We were getting a little bored one night and I remembered that my mom used to make us yarn dolls, and so I thougth I would give it a try! The girls enjoyed them, but I had to do all of the doll making - so I think we will hold off on anymore doll making until Lauren is a little bit older so that she can do it!

Friday, March 23, 2012

The New Bike!

Our Lady Lauren is 3 1/2 years old and she has never had a bike! Ooops! A while ago she came back from the College Day Care and was so excited because she got to ride a bike and quote "I rode a bike mom, and I didn't even fall off!" With her voice rising with excitement! We had been thinking about getting her a bike for Christmas - but then she couldn't ride it because it was cold. So I was going to wait until her birthday - but that seemed to far away. So Erik and Lauren made a special trip to Walmart and got her a bike!

Lauren SO excited for her new bike!
Waiting so patiently for her dad to get the bike all ready!
Erik spoils Lauren rotten! He thinks I do.. but if I were there buying the bike I would have probably just boughten the bike and nothing else. He bought her the barbie helmet, the barbie basket, and the little sreamers that go on the handle bars! He is the weak parent!! Just kidding!

And she is off :)

She is a very causious bike rider and doesn't care to go too fast! Training wheels make it a peice of cake for her to ride. I am not looking forward to teaching her to ride without them because I can see the drama after he falling off once or twice! So for now we will stick with the training wheels, and maybe when she is 7 we will try to take them off ;)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Ahh! Warm Weather!

I absolutely positively LOVE signs of sunshine and warm weather! I love the change in seasons - when the leaves first turn beautiful colors of orange, red, and yellow, the first snow, but mostly when spring time comes around!! When it is warm out my house grows out into the lawn (and for those of you who know my house, know, that it could use some more room!) I love being outside with my girls! It is so fun to watch Lauren grown because last year at the park I would have to do lots of things with her - but this year she has grown quite the imagination and it is fun to watch her use it! Lauren also entertains Sawyer (oh the joys of having more children!) Sawyer is in heaven when she is outside and loves the park because she can climb and climb and climb! I have to laugh at myself, but I am so excited because Lauren understands how to play hopscotch! Last summer I would always draw out the hopscotch and she showed no interest in it and to my surprise when I drew it out she knew what to do (she must have picked it up from day care!) It is so fun to watch kids grow!

The girlies enjoying the warm weather at the park!

 Sawyer has no interest in me while at the park! She is to worried about what to do next and where she can climb! Every picture I took she was always looking somewhere else!
 Lauren in the "castle" with her "gold"

Disney on Ice!

I was talking with my sister-in-law Kandance last Wednesday and she was telling me that they were going to Disney on Ice the next day. WHAT! Apparently I am out of the Metra Park loop and never know what is going on there.. but I immediatly checked to see about tickets and ordered them for that Saturday! I am pretty sure I was more excited than Lauren was! I have been to Fantasia on Ice, and Pocahontis and loved them both, so I knew this would be just as amazing! So that Saturday Lauren, Lila, my mom, and I headed to Billings (Sawyer was not invited because I thought it might be more like making her stay still in church! Maybe the next time Disney on Ice comes to Billings!) 

 Lauren and Lila on our way to Billings!

What a bunch of dorks ;)

I only got a few pictures of the Little Mermaid part! There was The Lion King, Little Mermaid, Lilo and Stitch (I haven't seen that movie, but it was SO cute on ice!), and after an intermission Peter Pan! They hit the high points in each movie and it was so cute!
Singing "Under the Sea"

 Lauren, Lila and I during the intermission
 Lauren and Grandma Jolley
 Lauren doing a fish face in her $10 dollar hat! The only bad thing about Disney on Ice is that all the Disney products they were selling were WAAAYYY over priced!

Lauren loved it and my mom, Lila and I loved it just as much! I hope Disney on Ice comes back to Billings soon :) 

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Things Kids Say!

We had been playing outside and it was time for us to get in the van and go, and Sawyer did not want to get in the van so she was crying and throwing a fit! As we started driving I told Sawyer in a stern voice to stop crying and that she was ok ( and maybe a few other pleasant things I'm sure) and Lauren started to tell me "mom, Sawyer doesn't understand you because she is still little and she doesn't like it when you talk in a mean voice, she likes it when you talk in a nice voice, so just let her cry for a minute and she will fall asleep, ok."

We were at my moms house eating dinner and Lauren was asked to say the prayer and so she started and then she needed some help and my mom helped her, my mom:help us to be kind to one another, Lauren: help us to be kind to one another, my mom: please bless my dad while he is at work, Lauren: *pauses* ( in a confused voice) please bless grandmas dad while he is at work, my mom: please bless your dad while he is at work, Lauren: oh! Please bless my dad while he is at work!

We were spending the night at my parents house because we were going to Billings early the next morning and Triffen was spending the night too and he wanted to say the bedtime prayer. Here is how it went.. Dear Heavenly Father, grateful for this day, we had pizza and ice cream for dinner, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen! All is a days work!! Love these kids!