Thursday, July 16, 2009

Byron Day's and more!

I am surprising my self... Two blogs in one week, it is usually two blogs in one month!!

This past weekend was Byron Day's! On Saturday they started off with a parade, Lauren wasn't too sure about it at first but once she got the hang of things she thought it was pretty cool:)

Hillary and Marcus were here visiting so Lauren had a buddy at the parade :)

Lauren was having a good time picking up the candy, and she wasn't in the mood to give it up.. If she only knew that if I took the candy from here she could just get more. But she was satisfied with the handfulls she allready had!
Look at that handfull :)
Grandpa Steve was happy to set down on the side walk with the kiddos and help them get candy! Thanks Grandpa :)

It was a pretty fun parade.. Pretty short, but pretty fun!

It was a hot, hot day and Lauren had already drank her sippy, and grandpa re-assured me that this was caffine free diet pepsi!
Lauren is always happy to drink someone elses drink!
We went home after the parade and had some hambergers with Erik's parents and sister Hillary. Then after lunch it was time for the Volleyball Tourny. Erik was asked to be on a team, so I had to build my own. My team was Jake, Kandace, Lila, her friend Ashley, and Kale Marchant (we saw him at the park and recruted him!) We lost both of our matches, but we had fun and we all got a t-shirt out of it:) Now Erik's team on the otherhand wasn't so unfortunate as us.. they ended up winning the toury, yeah they won it! TURDS anyway! Haha just kidding! So my team will be coming back for more at the Cowely Day's volleyball tourny (and hopefully Erik's team won't, we want to have a chance!)
We ended off our day with the AWESOME Byron fireworks! We watched them from our yard becasue we live a block away from the park and I am glad we did because Lauren was a little scarred of them. So Lauren and I watched them through our livingroom window which worked out great.
The next thing that I am excited about is Lauren's little play area..
This is what it usually looks like.
And my handy father has now made it look like this..

I was telling my dad that I was wanted a book shelf for Lauren and kind of explained to him what I was thinking. Lauren LOVES books and her books have been taking over the toy tub, so that was why I wanted a shelf. Then he left and about 30 minutes later (not joking) he came up with this!! He is such a handy dad to have around!
Thanks Dad!


Lila said...

Lacey that little play area looks great:) I'm so proud of you blogging twice in one week I love all the new pics of lady lauren:)

Trevor & Andrea said...

What a little candy hog :) Jk. Lauren is super cute!! aww

Nick & Lindi said...

Sounds like a fun day!! :) Lauren is getting SO big... and nice work dave on the play area! :) Good luck to your team for Cowley's Days! :)

jsmbbaker said...

So jealous you went camping!