Here is a picture of Lauren standing by the elephant that she first pulled herself up with! My mom had watched her while I taught dance and when I came to pick her up we were talking and when we look over Lauren was all the sudden standing! So we didn't even see her pulling her self up we just saw the ending results!
Now she thinks she needs to stand up all the time! Here she is peeking at me, after she had pulled herself up on the exersaucer!
Yes, yes my little girl is CRAWLING!! I was almost worried that she wouldn't because I held her to much. But she figured it out! She really started to try on the March 16, and then it after that she was really getting the hang of things! She still doesn't crawl long distances because everything in our house is two crawls and a belly stretch away. But she is getting braver and is starting to realize her freedom! Scarry for me, but fun for her :)
She is so funny because the only things she will crawl to, are things that she isn't supposed to have! Like this wrapper..
I was trying and trying to get her to crawl to a toy, and was sitting there encouraging her.. Then she started for the couch and found this wrapper underneith the couch. So to my enjoyment I took the wrapper and set it on the other side of the room, and sure enough she headed that way!
Even now she is still really only crawling to things like keys, cords, and other things she shouldn't be playing with. I feel so bad sometimes having to turn her away from those things because I love to watch her crawl, but I have to be strong!
Like I said she is a Star.. she is my star! I can't beleive it, but I love her more everyday! She makes my day so much fun, and I get a kick out of watch her figure out new things! I laugh at myself as I try to figure out parenting :) It is a tough job, but a rewarding job! I guess it isn't to tough right now, I really can't complain in that area.. but it is definitley challenging and life changing!
She is adorable and growing so fast! Enjoy her!
That's SOO sweet lace! She is so adorable! :) I love it! I also love to see all these changes she is making! Pretty soon she'll be going on dates! ;) Hope all is well! it was soo good to see you last weekend. Miss ya!
So cute! Sorry I haven't commented lately. I haven't felt good enough to even do that. I can't wait to see Lauren crawling - and Hailey and Kennedy will love it too. They'll be able to play with her more. :)
She is so cute, her hair is really growing.
haha, who wouldnt want that wrapper!? I cant believe how fast time flys!! she is one cute little girl... of course she would be she has one cute little mom to take after :)
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