Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sawyer, Six months and Sittin' Pretty!

Sawyer was 6 months on Sunday 4.17.11, and on 4.11.11 she descovered she could sit! When I showed Erik he wasn't too impressed and said "she sits just like that on my lap".... Well anyway I thought it was quite the acomplishment!
 She is an amazing little girl, and is very much a momma's girl. In ways I like it and in ways I don't! For example she will be sitting on someones lap and I walk through the door - she starts to fuss and make lots of noise; and at church when someone else is holding her while I teach she fusses and acts likes she is hungry and as soon as they give her back to me... she is fine! But we roll with it and it all works out!

She still has all that fabulous curly hair, and everyday it turns lighter and lighter!

She still does not enjoy car rides!

She gets more rolls on her legs and belly daily! Erik told me today "why don't you drink more water so she can have some skim milk." haha.. can do dear! What would we do without husbands!

Sawyer loves her sister and Lauren loves her back! There is nothing that makes me feel happier when I see Sawyer's eyes light up when she see's Lauren and laughs at everything Lauren does! It is such a great blessing to have these two girls in my life, and they make me think about the simple things and how blessed we are as a family to have each other!

 It is so much fun doing her hair!
 Sitting outside on the bumbo :)
 Getting some sugars from Grandpa Steve!

1 comment:

Michaell & Madison said...

she is so cute!!! She is growing up so fast....and ps i am still laughing about the skim milk comment...made my day :)Give you girls a love for me...and thanks for comming over and playing it was so much fun :)